Monday, 7 April 2008

Gym Update

So, where are we? Unfortunately, a few issues are conspiring to delay our move to the first floor gym – so we thought we’d let you know of the main outstanding issues:

A recent visit from the NHBC flagged up several areas where the build does not comply to Disabled Access Regulations – in particular the layout of the changing area and the need for shower facilities in the disabled persons toilet area in addition to those in the main changing areas. This will require changes to the layout. The NHBC has also asked for longer vision panels to be installed in the internal doors to allow wheelchair uses to see through them.

We are still waiting on decisions on the flooring solutions for the gym and comparison costings.

We are also waiting for service installation for gas, sewerage and electricity to the new gym.

The lift shaft is ready to be installed and is just being put back until other works have been completed – we are hopeful that this can be done during April.

As you are well aware, we have capacity issues on the existing gym and we are keen to get to the new gym as soon as possible.

We will keep you updated.

Sunday, 6 April 2008


We are working hard to resolve the lighting issues on site. Over the last week CEM have liaised with EDF and have dealt with a number of the lights to the roadways/paths across the development. We hope that you have noticed the improvement (please let us know if there are still issues with lights near you).

However, there are some electrical problems which still need to be dealt with. We are still waiting for a visit from EDF to resolve the issues with the non-functioning fountain and fountain lights on Beaumont Drive. This visit has been booked for 14 April 2008.

Estate Manager

As you may have noticed, Dennis has now left the Hamptons. The HRA and CEM are now beginning to process of recruiting a new site manager as a matter of urgency. In the meantime, we have a temporary Estate manager, Shaun (not to be confused with Sean) who wll be here until a permanent eplacement can be found.

Shaun can be contacted at Dennis's old email address:

I'm Back

At a new address I'm afraid - please tell your friends!

Not sure what happened but I haven't been able to log onto the original blog for a few weeks. As there has been so much going on (of which, more later) I thought I'd bite the bullet and sign up for a new blog.

Isn't the snow nice?